Historical Areas

Kingsley Plantation

The Kingsly Plantation is a historic slave plantation that was built in the late 1790s. It was operated by Zephaniah Kingsley Jr and his wife Anna Kingsley, who was also a slave. Zephaniah Kingsley was known for his attempts to persuade the government to be more lenient toward both current slaves and emancipated ones. The plantation was built on a site near the Jackonville river. Rice, indigo, and cotton were the plantation's main exports.

Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve

The Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve is a US national preserve located in Jacksoville. It is over 46,000 acres in size. It is one of the last wetlands on the atlantic coast that are still relativley unspoiled by humans. It is full of many different species of plants and animals.

Yellow Bluff Historical State Park

This park, located near the mouth of the St. Johns River, was an importnt military base during the Civil War. It is a popular place for tourists and locals alike. It was a fortifie encampment that was constructed in 1862. It housed over 250 confederate soldiers at its peak.

Camp Milton

Camp Milton Historical Preserve was once a prominent Civil War military encampment. It was the largest and strongest field fortification in Florida. Over 8,000 troops were stationed there.